Dianne Belk

Dianne Belk has been advocating for girls for more than 50 years. She has served on numerous nonprofit boards, committees, and task teams. She has been honored with Girl Scouts’ highest volunteer award and is the recipient of Girl Scouts’ highest award, the eponymous Dianne Belk Visionary Award.

In 2011, coinciding with Girl Scouts 100 th anniversary, she created and still leads the Juliette Gordon Low Society, Girl Scouts’ planned giving society. Since then, nationwide planned giving to Girl Scouts has grown from 346 to over 5000, creating a large pipeline for the future of the Movement.

Dianne is a Trailblazer…. In her career, always the only woman at the table. Just a few of her notable accomplishments:

  • The first female industrial engineering student at Mississippi State University.
  • The first female US Presidential manufacturing advisor.
  • Founder of one of the world’s first technology integrators, gaining an international reputation and an impressive WHO’s WHO client list.

Since selling her company, she focuses on combating the barriers to equality that young girls face. From her San Diego base, she speaks worldwide on the power of planned giving.