Perception of a Woman: How Society Damages Girls’ Mental Health
Nuri is 17 years old and a Global G.L.O.W. participant from Detroit, Michigan. This is her essay in her own [...]
Smashing Period Taboo for Girls in the U.S.
“Aunt Flo’s Here,” “The Curse,” “My Friend’s Visiting,” “The Red Monster,” “Shark Week,” “On the Rag,” “Comma” or simply “That [...]
Body Image and Self Esteem: How Diet Culture Impacts Girls’ Mental Health
Brielle is 15 years old and a Global G.L.O.W. participant from Los Angeles, California. This is her essay in her [...]
How Nuri is Bridging the Gender Gap in Computer Science
By Nuri, Global Girls Glow Youth Correspondent, Detroit GLOW Club Alumni, and current junior at Wayne State University For far [...]
Thuy Didn’t Dare to Dream. Then She Found GLOW Club.
Girls around the world are held back from achieving their dreams due to pervasive and damaging gender norms. When society [...]
Breaking Barriers: How Valeria is Shattering Stereotypes and Celebrating Diversity in Peru
Peru is the second-most popular destination for Venezuelan migrants in the world — many of whom escaped poverty, violence, and [...]
This Teen Girl Helped End Child Marriage in Sierra Leone
The West African country of Sierra Leone is home to approximately 800,000 child brides —half of whom were married before [...]
A Brighter Future for Native American and Indigenous Youth: Our Newest Initiative
At Global Girls Glow, we’re building the next generation of powerful advocates and confident leaders by providing mentorship, support, and [...]
How GLOW Club Inspired This 16-Year-Old to Champion Disability Inclusion in Malawi
Girls around the world living with physical disabilities face discrimination and systemic injustices that can prevent them from reaching their [...]
“The Change is Immense.” One Mentor’s Reflection on 9 Years of GLOW Club.
Global Girls Glow has been mentoring girls to become powerful advocates and confident leaders through our signature program, GLOW Club, [...]
GLOW Club Is Tranforming Girls’ Lives in Nepal
Global Girls Glow operates mentorship programs for over 16,000 girls across 30 countries. Our signature program, GLOW Club, provides girls [...]
A Brighter Future for Kenyan Girls: A Q&A with GLOW Club Alumna Sylvian
In 2018, GLOW Club Member Sylvian had a dream: To create a brighter future for girls in Kenya. In her [...]
From GLOW Club to Executive Director: Francine’s Journey to Empowering Rwandan Women
In Rwanda, girls have experienced difficulty developing self-confidence to pursue their dreams due to inequality. A decade ago, girls perceived [...]
Girl Advocates in the U.S., Nepal, and Uganda Are Destigmatizing Periods
In honor of Menstrual Hygiene Day on May 28th, Global G.L.O.W. Youth Correspondent Nuri hosted a powerful discussion on menstrual [...]
A Girl-Led Solution to Period Poverty: A Q&A with the 18-Year-Old Co-Founder of Girls for School Pads, Uganda
Menstruation is a normal part of life. But globally, girls face discrimination, stigma, and shame when they’re on their periods [...]
A GirI-Informed Approach to Data Collection
By Kajal Kotecha, Global G.L.O.W. Data Analyst In recent years, there’s been an important shift towards recognizing that adolescent girls [...]
Meet Nuri, Global G.L.O.W.’s Newest Youth Correspondent
Global G.L.O.W. ignites the power of girls to advocate for a better world. Last year, we launched our Youth Correspondent [...]
Earth Day Feature: These Nigerian Girls Are Recycling for Girls’ Education
Worldwide, adolescent girls face significant barriers to completing their education. Often, these barriers are exacerbated by environmental factors that disproportionately [...]
She Can Do It: Samjhana Ignites the Power of Girls in Nepal
In some areas of Nepal, girls are kept from reaching their full potential simply because of their gender. The cultural [...]
She Can Do It: How Huyen Is Proving the Value of Girls in Vietnam
Girls around the world face insurmountable challenges that keep them from living the lives they deserve. In rural areas [...]
She Can Do It: Jane’s Journey to Redefine the Roles of Girls in Kenya
Girls deserve a childhood free from exploitation and violence. But every year, at least 12 million girls around the world [...]
Alice Escaped Female Genital Mutilation. Then She Rescued Her Sister.
Female genital mutilation (FGM) harms an estimated 3 million girls each year. The cultural practice, documented in over 30 countries [...]
An Island Where Change is Possible: How Mentorship is Transforming a Community in Kenya
On an island just north of mainland Kenya — where the soft sound of crashing waves rocks fishermen to sleep [...]
Building Girls’ Agency, Voice, and Power for a Better World: Our Theory of Change
By Crystal Sprague, Executive Director At Global G.L.O.W., we mentor girls around the world to become powerful advocates and confident [...]
10 Ways Girls Can Persevere Today
By Global Youth Correspondent Samantha, age 19, Nigeria Hillary Clinton, the former Secretary of State of the United States once [...]
OctobHER Feature: How Girls in Kenya, Uganda, and Vietnam are Leading Our World
In celebration of International Day of the Girl on October 11, Global G.L.O.W. is inviting you to join #OctobHER: International [...]
Celebrate the Girls Leading Our World in OctobHER: International Month of the Girl
In 2011, the United Nations declared October 11th International Day of the Girl to acknowledge the unique barriers girls face [...]
In Cote D’Ivoire, Elsie Inspires the Next Generation of Leaders
Finding confidence in yourself is crucial to building confidence in those around you. In Côte D’Ivoire, Elsie has put this [...]
Making the World a Better Place Through Gender Equality
By Global Youth Correspondent Samantha, 19, Nigeria: “Heal the world Make it a better place For you and me, and [...]
Fatima Advocates for Sexual and Reproductive Health Education in Ghana
One of the greatest barriers to success for young girls is lack of access to education about sexual and reproductive [...]
Meet our Newest Girl Advocacy Committee Members from Cambodia, Ghana, and Zambia!
Each year, Global G.L.O.W. welcomes girl advocates from around the world to join our Girl Advocacy Committee (GAC). Through monthly [...]
Youthful and Useful
By Global Youth Correspondent Samantha, 18, Nigeria Today, young people aged 15 to 24 account for 16% of the global [...]
17-Year-Old Sarah Attended the Women Deliver Conference. Here’s What She Learned.
This July, four Global G.L.O.W. youth leaders had the opportunity to attend the 2023 Women Deliver Conference (WDC) in Kigali, [...]
6 Reasons Why Female Friendships are Crucial for Girls’ Advocacy
On July 30th, we celebrated the beauty and importance of friendship on International Friendship Day. All year long, Global G.L.O.W. [...]
Jacinta Advocates for Female Business Owners in Nigeria
Jacinta Advocates for Female Financial Independence in Nigeria When girls are equipped with entrepreneurial skills, they’re able to achieve financial [...]
Meet Samantha, Global G.L.O.W.’s Inaugural Youth Correspondent!
At Global G.L.O.W., we amplify girls' voices because we believe their advocacy can transform the world. We're committed to providing [...]
Social and Emotional Learning as a Tool for Girl Advocacy
Adolescent girls need more than access to education to succeed. It's crucial that they also develop their social and emotional [...]
In India, Attitudes Towards Girls are Positively Changing. Here’s Proof.
At Global G.L.O.W., we give girls across 30 countries the tools they need to express themselves, advocate for their rights, [...]
How Boys in Kenya Are Normalizing Menstruation
Half of the world’s population has experienced or will experience a menstrual cycle. Still, period stigma persists. One way to [...]
From The Gambia to The Bronx, Fatoumata Is Challenging Period Stigma
When it comes to periods, there’s lots to talk about. Unfortunately, shame and stigma surrounding menstruation often halt important conversations [...]
Girl Advocates from Nepal and India are Taking Action for Menstrual Equity
Around the world, period stigma and period poverty keep girls out of school. At any moment in time, at least [...]
What Mental Health Awareness Looks Like For Girls in Kenya
People from all walks of life struggle with mental health challenges, but research indicates adolescent girls are particularly susceptible to [...]
Global G.L.O.W. Welcomes 17 New Global Partners
Global G.L.O.W.’s mentorship-driven programs are transforming girls and strengthening communities around the world. By partnering with locally-led organizations that best [...]
How GLOW Girls in West Africa are Speaking Out Against Sexual Violence
April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, and April 26th is Denim Day, an international day of advocacy for millions around [...]
Invest in a Better Tomorrow for All: Give to Girls on International Day of the Girl
Women account for over half (50.5%) of the population in the U.S.—yet only 3.5% of all charities aid women and [...]
The Taliban Revoked Girls School Attendance—Again. Here’s What Girls Said.
A year after the Taliban takeover, they shocked many when they reversed their promise to allow girls to return to school. When the [...]
Backyard Carnival: How a Young Girl Fundraised for Girls’ Education
In May 2022, Ellora organized and hosted a carnival in her backyard to raise money for girls and women around [...]
Empowering Boys to Advocate for Girls
Phoebe Ekman, a Global G.L.O.W. Partnership Coordinator from Tumaini La Maisha in Kenya, emphasized the importance of empowering young boys [...]
Wellness Summit: Girl-Led Support for Girls’ Mental and Physical Health
The Global G.L.O.W. club members of The School at Marygrove, affectionately named the Royal Sisters, in Detroit, Michigan recognized that their physical and mental health needed to be addressed.
How a Young Girl is Fundraising for Period Poverty
Yona is turning 12 this May and is organizing her own fundraiser for girls around the world in celebration of [...]
What Can You Do To Respond To The Youth Mental Health Crisis?
May is Mental Health Awareness month and we’ve never been in more need of focused attention on mental health for [...]
The State of Girls’ Mental Health in 2022
In December, the U.S. Surgeon General issued a stark warning about the state of girls’ mental health: during 2021, there [...]
The Impact of Climate Change on Girls Around the World
To commemorate Earth Day on April 22nd, the following are accounts from two club members from Uganda on the impact [...]
8 Simple Ways to Celebrate Earth Day
Although climate change impacts everyone, it is not gender-neutral. It has significant social impacts and magnifies existing inequalities. Gender inequality [...]
Covid-19 in the Global South: Has Herd Immunity Been Reached?
In January, NPR posted an article detailing research from Malawi that showed that the country may have already reached herd [...]
8 Ways to Celebrate International Women’s Day
To the Global G.L.O.W. community, International Women's Day highlights a time for women and girls to come together and celebrate [...]
The Importance of Encouraging Girls to Trust Themselves & Build a Strong Sense of Self
From a young age, women are taught to cater to the needs of others and put themselves last. Society conditions [...]
Healthy GLOW: The Impact of Utilizing Social Emotional Learning Tools in Sexual and Reproductive Health Education
Social and emotional learning (SEL) competencies are a crucial tool when it comes to the teaching of sexual and reproductive [...]
How to Create a Safe Space to Teach Sexual and Reproductive Health
Healthy GLOW is a sexual and reproductive health (SRH) program which serves as a comprehensive educational resource as well as [...]
The Power of Mentorship in Kenya
Phoebe Ekman is a Global G.L.O.W. Partnership Coordinator from Tumaini La Maisha in Kenya. This is her account, in her [...]
The Impact of Mentorship – A Branch of Knowledge
Nuri is 18 years old and a Global G.L.O.W. participant from Detroit, Michigan. This is her essay in her own [...]
Covid-19 Restrictions — Global “Hidden Effects” That Are Setting Kids Back
I know we are all tired of hearing about the effects of Covid-19. However, the hidden impacts on 99% of [...]
What the Future Holds For Girls in Afghanistan
The Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan in August 2021 shook the world. At Global G.L.O.W., we experienced that earthquake-like feeling intensely. [...]
Bridging the Digital Divide: Girls’ Lack of Access to Technology in India
Gender norms deeply entrenched in patriarchal societies like India often restrict and affect equitable access to technology for women and [...]
Global G.L.O.W. Alumni in Kenya Continue to Impact the Lives of Girls
I have been a Global G.L.O.W. Partnership Coordinator for just 11 months and in that time I have had the [...]
The Impact of Healthy GLOW in Kenya
Phoebe Ekman is a Global G.L.O.W. Partnership Coordinator from Milele Center in Kenya. This is her account, in her own [...]
“Black Widow”- Hollywood Hints to Dark Truth on the Status of Girls
I recently watched the newest addition to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, “Black Widow;” a film about the backstory of Natasha [...]
The Global G.L.OW. Summer Reading List
Summer 2021 is in full swing and for some, that means family vacations and time for some serious self-care. If [...]
Why You Should Care About Period Policy
May is an important month for Global G.L.O.W. and the world- it’s menstrual health month, a time set aside to [...]
Turning Struggle Into Strength: The Inspiring Story of a Junior Mentor from Mozambique
Líria is a 21-year-old from Mozambique. As an adolescent girl, she was forced into early marriage and sought refuge in [...]
How a Junior Mentor from Mozambique is Using Her Own Experience to Change the Lives of Girls
Rosita is a 23-year-old junior mentor from The Grail in Mozambique. Rosita joined Global G.L.O.W. after being introduced to the [...]