Aug 4 2020

“Learning Should Not Stop for a Pandemic”: The Innovative Way This GLOW Club is Reaching Girls Amid COVID-19


Across the world, the COVID-19 pandemic has shuttered schools and forced millions to stay sheltered in place in an effort to mitigate the spread of the virus. But for many girls, school closures and lockdowns make them vulnerable to secondary threats like gender-based violence and teenage pregnancy. Global G.L.O.W. partners have recognized the need to keep girls engaged amid the pandemic and many have identified innovative ways to do so.


In Abuja, Nigeria, Global G.L.O.W. partner Health Aid For All Initiative (HAFAI) launched a weekly radio program – the first of its kind in Nigeria – to reach girls involved in GLOW programming, as well as a larger population of girls and women who are at risk. Each week, the program introduces a new topic from the Global G.L.O.W. curriculum, including kindness, confidence, courage, hope and belonging. Occasionally, girls from GLOW Clubs participate in the studio production, which aims to be as interactive and interesting as possible.



“We have received very encouraging feedback from the girls and their parents, as well as the listening public,” said HAFAI Founder Dr. Ugochi Ohajuruka. “They have expressed gratitude and appreciation to the organization for what they described as a wonderful initiative that can shape knowledge and education for girls in the society.”


In addition to the Global G.L.O.W. curriculum, HAFAI also runs jingles intermittently throughout the show that are meant to inform listeners on safety guidelines set by the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO). Their goal is to help disseminate factual information and dispel myths associated with Coronavirus.


“Learning should not stop for a pandemic. We will educate girls – even at home.”

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