How a Young Girl is Fundraising for Period Poverty
Yona is turning 12 this May and is organizing her own fundraiser for girls around the world in celebration of becoming a bat-mitzvah. #MenstrualHygieneDay is on May 28. Join Yona in raising awareness for period poverty and read about her story, in her own words:
What do you like to do for fun?
My main hobbies include baking and art! I usually gravitate towards things like drawing and clothing customization as well as baking cinnamon rolls and scones.
How did you hear about Global G.L.O.W.?
While I was in the process of figuring out where to distribute the cups I came across Global G.L.O.W. I was even more interested after the amazing response I got back from them regarding the cups!
What is your dream for the future?
In the future, I would like to own or work at a cafe. I love to bake my delicious treats for everyone and seeing people eat them brings a glow to my heart!
Tell us a little about your project.
In my Jewish community, I am having a coming of age ceremony called a bat-mitzvah. Part of this ritual is to do a community service project demonstrating my ability to help my community as an adult member. I decided to buy menstrual cups after my mom suggested it after she read an article about the devastating state of menstrual hygiene among people in poverty.
These menstrual cups are for women who have difficulty affording menstrual products. Girls my age in extreme conditions often have to skip school one week each month, use unhygienic rags, or dangerously resort to using tampons for much longer than is safe! Menstrual cups are sustainable, safe, easily maintained with basic soap and water, and can last 5-10 years.
What is your hope for girls and women who receive these cups?
It is my hope that the people who receive these cups will not continue to practice dangerous hygiene and instead safely have periods without endangering their health. I also hope that young girls like me will not have to skip school because of their periods
What has been the best part about collecting these cups?
I’d say the best thing about collecting these cups is feeling like a warehouse for menstrual products and getting packages every day! Also, the reaction from my community to this project has been really special.
What is a piece of advice you would like to give to other girls?
Don’t be afraid to talk about your period in public or to anyone in general. My community has been amazing in their support of this project and of my strength in talking about it publicly.
What is your wish for girls and women around the world?
My wish is that all girls and women around the world could all live safely and be appreciated for who and what they are.